Лабрадор ретривер, стандарт породы, история, воспитание


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Since the story of a puppy education, I want to give an opportunity to express their opinion specialist breed Labrador, the owner of the kennel "Gudkvayts" and "Loyalhart" - Andrey Vinogradov. He lives in Tver, is engaged in Labradors for many years and has achieved excellent results not only in the international ring, but also in getting job qualifications for their dogs abroad. 

Several times the hunters turned to me and complained that unfairly bypassed educat...


In those days, when I learned the basics of dog training, and later - began his career as private providers, it was difficult to predict the future popularity of this wonderful breed. To be honest, the Labradors, like most of the species, so familiar to us now, then really did not know anything. We have seen pictures in foreign books and magazines, and occasionally met with in Russia, dogs called Labradors, but napominayushih these illustrations are only remotely: big, black, angular, ...


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